Hazard 2020 Webinar - Secondary Safety Systems for Elevated Work Platforms

The first Hazard 2020 online educative forum was held on Thursday 18 February 2021. In introducing the session, OFSC Director Cassie Woods highlighted the intent of the webinar series, to bring together speakers from industry, technical experts, regulators and associations so that industry can learn from the experience of its own on issues that impact the health and safety of workers. The webinars are not an endorsement of companies, products or methods, but an opportunity to share the experiences of industry in dealing with WHS challenges.
The 12-month Hazard 2020 campaign, launched in October 2020, targets scaffolding and mobile plant, with the OFSC closely tracking on-site incidents, hazard-specific audits and undertaking detailed corrective action analysis to better understand the key reasons for non-compliance with the WHS Accreditation Scheme audit criteria. The OFSC have recently published the initial Hazard 2020 – Monthly Data Report, which shows the audits conducted, corrective actions issued, and incidents reported in relation to mobile plant and scaffolding.
This first webinar session, focussed on secondary safety systems for EWPs, featured presentations by Graeme Silvester and Nathan Kiepe of CPB Contractors, Andrew Delahunt of the EWPA and Federal Safety Officer Brett Jones and was concluded with a panel Q&A. Each section of the webinar is provided below to view.
Secondary Safety Systems for Elevating Work Platforms (19 mins)
CPB Contractors has been accredited under the WHS Accreditation Scheme for over a decade. This first video is presented by Graeme Silvester and Nathan Kiepe from CPB Contractors, and Andrew Delahunt from the Elevating Work Platforms Association (EWPA). Information regarding secondary safety systems is available on the EWPA website.
EWPs in relation to the Accreditation Scheme (9 mins)
The second video is presented by Federal Safety Officer Brett Jones. It discusses how the Scheme criteria applies to Mobile Plant and highlights common areas where companies don’t meet Scheme requirements.
Q&A Session with Expert Panel (13 mins)
Throughout the online educative forum, attendees were encouraged to submit questions. The panel of presenters answered as many questions as time allowed. Additional questions that were not answered during the video, including questions submitted after the session will shortly be on this page.
Comments and Suggestions
Please send any comments or suggestions on the above videos and subject matter to ofsc@dewr.gov.au with a subject heading of “Hazard 2020 Online Forum.”
The next Hazard 2020 online forum will be held in April.